Birdie 1.1 Released
Friday, February 7, 2014
Birdie 1.1 "Flugas" is now available. It features performance optimizations, better thumbnails, bug fixes and updated translations. In addition, it now compiles on ARM architectures (tested on armv7). This minor release is recommended to all Birdie 1.0 users.
Birdie 1.0 Released
Saturday, January 25, 2014
About a month after our latest announcement, we can say that Birdie 1.0 "Roko" is ready. Excited? We are, because we believe Birdie 1.0 is the best release we have ever had. Lists have arrived to Birdie. Performance is better than ever. The app is much more stable than it ever was. We've got a refreshed user interface, which not only allows us to have a better optimized application, but also provides a more polished user interface.
Birdie 1.0 Announcement
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Today, I'd like to let you know what the future looks like for Birdie. As some of you may have noticed, development has got back on track during the last few weeks and today I'd like to announce Birdie 1.0 "Roko". This is a little unusual, as we usually announce new versions on the release day, but this new version won't be out for at least a few weeks. I just couldn't wait to tell you the exciting new features and improvements that the future will bring.
Birdie 0.3 "Konversacio" is here
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Birdie 0.3 "Konversacio" is now available. Since the last release, we've been refining Birdie to meet the high standards our users expect. We don't want it to crash or slow down, just like our users don't. This releases implements a long-awaited feature, threaded conversations, and comes with the usual bug fixes and improvements. Translations have been updated, bugs have been squashed and Birdie's reliability is better than ever. We've made Granite optional, so you can enjoy Birdie on more distributions.
Birdie 0.2 "Kompano" has arrived
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
About two months ago, we released the first version of Birdie. We definitely didn't expect the huge amount of attention we got, but we were very happy with it. However, as good as Birdie was, it still wasn't good enough for us. Today we're releasing Birdie 0.2 "Kompano". It is everything Birdie 0.1 was but also a whole lot more. With this release of Birdie, we bring you a much faster Twitter experience, a refreshed, modern user interface and overall a much better app.
Birdie 0.1 "Tweety" released
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Today, we are releasing the first version of Birdie. Birdie 0.1 "Tweety" has got all the basic Twitter features, from tweeting to searching. We believe it is the best Twitter client available for elementary OS and it is only going to get better in the future. It provides a level of integration with the operating system that you can't easily find elsewhere. With its easy to use interface, its fast performance and solid experience, you're going to feel at home while using it.