Introducing Mythblade

This has been a long time in the making, but today I’m ready to unveil a little project I’ve been working on. Building video games is hard. Building an MMORPG? That’s the hardest genre you could possibly build. Most game developers would tell you building an MMORPG alone is a terrible idea. And they’d be absolutely right. The content, the interconnected systems, the networking, the server management, the endless balancing, the list goes on and on.

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Post Once, Syndicate Everywhere

As a long-time fan of the POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) model, I've always believed in maintaining control over my content. However, I've never been good at the second part: making sure my content reaches as many people as possible. Over the last few weeks I've done a major rebuild of my personal website, and I used it as an opportunity to try and tackle this problem.

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Back to Basics

It's been a long time since I've had my own blog. Too long, in fact. In a world ruled by social media, it's easy to let go of owning your own little corner of the Internet. I'll start with a quick introduction: I'm Ivo. I'm a software engineer at heart, working with a brilliant team of engineers at GoProposal by Sage. I'm also known by some as having a particular weakness for guitars.

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